Sessions in English

How can I help you?

If you are an adult

I can help you:

- to overcome moments of difficulty and personal crisis
- to overcome anxiety problems and panic attacs
- to deal with depression problems
- to learn relaxing techniques
- to manage stress
- to overcome sexual problems
- to increase your parenting skills
- to cure food disorders

For children and teenagers

I can help to:

- manage anxiety and fears
- deal with teenager distress
- manage hiperactivity problems (ADHD)
- manage negative emotions
- orient in school or job choices
- to cure food disorders
- to deal with hair pulling (tricotillomania)
- overcome stutter problems

For couples

I can help to:

- overcome difficulties in the relationship
- manage the period of a difficult separation
- deal with sexual problems

About work psychology

- training to develop comunication, team work, leadership and to manage stress
- help in recruitment

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